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Since being established in 2012, Yayasan Sekolah Teknik Samick is actively participating in local education, especially to the unfortunates. The school offers some skillfull programmes such as piano tuning, woodworking, garment and baking.
Each programme takes six months, which breaks down into two parts. The first three months is a full-time training with the practitioners and expertises. The next is a full-participation on the real working field. Over a hundred of students have gone through under the trainings and graduated from the school.
For further information regarding Yayasan Sekolah Teknik Samick, please refer to the address: Kp. Sawah RT/RW 01/03 Ds. Cileungsi Kidul Kec Cileungsi, Jawa Barat. Phone number: 021-82481298.